The Congress Party: Dynastic Influence and Astrological Implications in the Post-1978 Era

Yashraj Sharma
6 min readAug 7, 2023


The Indian National Congress, commonly known as the Congress Party, has been an integral part of Indian politics for more than a century. This dynamic changed significantly on 2nd January 1978, when Indira Gandhi, following internal conflicts within the party, established a new faction known as the Indian National Congress (I). The subsequent decades have seen this faction dominantly under the control of the Nehru-Gandhi family, particularly Sonia and Rahul Gandhi. To comprehend this dynastic dominance, we delve into an intricate interplay of political maneuvering, sociological norms, and the super science of astrology, deeply embedded in the Indian psyche.

Sonia Gandhi, after her husband, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination in 1991, emerged as a political force. Despite facing initial skepticism owing to her foreign origin, she displayed strong leadership, leading the party to significant victories in various elections. Her commitment to the party and to India gradually overshadowed her critics, cementing her central role in the party.

Rahul Gandhi, representing the fourth generation of the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, has remained a key figure within the party. Although his political expertise has often been questioned, his lineage and the faith the party has vested in him have ensured his continuing influence.

This control of the Congress Party by the Gandhi family is partly a reflection of dynastic politics, a phenomenon deeply rooted in Indian society, where power often stays within a particular family lineage. This trend is not exclusive to the Congress Party but is a broader characteristic of the Indian political landscape.

Beyond politics and sociology, there’s another layer offered by the super science of astrology, which is profoundly rooted in Indian culture. Astrology, which intersects celestial observations with human experiences, provides unique perspectives on personal traits and potential destinities.

Astrology could present fascinating insights into the leadership of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi in the Congress Party. Their natal charts may shed light on their leadership styles, the nature of their influence, and potential challenges they may face. While it’s not a standalone explanatory factor, this astrological perspective offers an enriching dimension to understanding the enduring influence of the Gandhi family in the Congress Party.

In conclusion, understanding the dominance of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi within the Congress Party requires an examination of their personal leadership, the acceptance of dynastic politics in Indian society, and the potential insights from the super science of astrology. Together, these components provide a comprehensive view of the enduring influence of the Gandhi family in the Congress Party’s trajectory, especially in the post-1978 era.

Horoscope of Congress Party

The genesis of Congress-I occurred under the influence of the balance of Moon Mahadasha, a period marked by both significant accomplishments and profound tragedy. This era was marked by a wave of Sadesati, a period in astrology known for its transformative effects.

In January 1980, amidst this period of oscillating fortunes, the elections led to a resounding victory for Indira Gandhi’s Congress-I, winning 351 out of 524 seats in the Lok Sabha. Indira Gandhi resumed the Prime Ministerial role on January 14, 1980, during the Moon-Mercury dasha.

Astrologically, the Moon, as the 9th lord in the 7th house from the 10th house of authority, was exalted in the navamsha, indicating a period of success. Mercury, the lord of 7th, resides in the 9th house of fortune, and aspects its own house of gains in the navamsha, alluding to prosperity.

However, during this period, the nation also faced a severe blow with the untimely death of Sanjay Gandhi in an air crash on June 23rd, 1980. Despite prior astrological warnings, the tragedy was unavoidable.
Indira was operating through a sinister dasha for her younger son: Saturn-Venus-Mercury.

Simultaneously, there were notable achievements in the field of technology as India launched its satellite into orbit in mid-1980. This event marked India’s entry into the space age, mirroring the astrological strength of Venus, the lord of the third house and the significator of satellites. Positioned in the 10th house with the Sun, which had directional strength, and aspected by Jupiter, the lord of the 10th house, this celestial alignment symbolized India’s significant accomplishment.

The 9th house in the astrological chart often signifies the father or the founder of an entity, in this case, the Congress-I party. Mars, the ruler of this house, resides in Cancer. This sign is particularly significant in the context of the Gandhi family’s leadership in the Congress-I party. Notably, Indira Gandhi’s ascendant (Lagna) is in Cancer, which is also the ascendant for Sonia Gandhi. Additionally, Rahul Gandhi’s ascendant lord is positioned in Cancer. These astrological ties underscore a deep, intertwining link between the Gandhi family and the party’s destiny, emphasizing the remarkable insights offered by this super science in the realm of political leadership.

The 5th house in the astrological chart is often indicative of the one who controls or manages the entity, in this case, the Congress-I party. Here, Mars, the 9th lord, is positioned in Cancer, suggesting a significant leadership role.

The 5th house’s lord is the Moon, which aspects the ascendant, closely aligned with Rahu, a celestial body often associated with foreign elements. This configuration is particularly intriguing as the 5th house is also traditionally associated with future generations.

The presence of Rahu in close degrees with the Moon signifies the foreign connection in the forthcoming generation of the party’s leadership. This astrological configuration fascinatingly mirrors the real-life scenario where Sonia Gandhi, of foreign origin, emerged as a key leader in the party’s later years. Hence, the interplay between the 5th and 9th houses and the Rahu-Moon conjunction underlines the unique influence of foreign elements and the generational continuation within the leadership of the Congress-I party.

Indeed, the foreign influence embodied by Sonia Gandhi within the Congress-I party started to take prominence during the dasha of Rahu, beginning in March 1991. The crucial aspect to note here is the tight connection between the Moon and Rahu during the party’s birth dasha. This connection signifies the critical role of the balance of the birth dasha in shaping the future course of the party. The link between the Moon and Rahu at the party’s inception foreshadowed the important foreign influence that would manifest in its leadership years later, exemplifying the profound insights offered by this super science in understanding political dynamics.

The onset of the Jupiter Dasha in 2009 marked a challenging period for the Congress Party, particularly impacting Sonia and Rahul Gandhi’s leadership. Jupiter, though typically a benefic planet, was afflicted in this case and positioned in Gemini, an enemy sign, leading to a decrease in its positive influence. Simultaneously, Rahu, traditionally seen as adversarial to Jupiter, displayed strength. Given that Sonia and Rahul Gandhi represent Rahu’s foreign influence in the party, their leadership faced significant trials during this period. This complex interplay of astrological influences offers a compelling perspective on the difficulties encountered by the Congress Party during the Jupiter Dasha.

Since the onset of Jupiter-Rahu Dasha in October 2022, significant developments have been observed within the Congress Party, such as the “Bharat Jodo Yatra” predominantly led by Rahul Gandhi.

In line with this, the formation of a new alliance, I.N.D.I.A, has been a notable event. The placement of Rahu in the 7th house of partnerships in the party’s chart illuminates this strategic move during its Dasha. However, the question arises whether this partnership will yield a fair play or result in a shock for the party leaders in the upcoming 2024 elections.

Analyzing the current Dasha of the party, the adversarial relationship between Jupiter and Rahu, and the leaders’ individual Dashas, it appears that the partners may eventually part ways. This could lead to the party struggling to perform optimally, resulting in it not securing a governing position. Yet, with Rahu in the 7th house signifying partnerships and opposition, the party is likely to find itself in a stronger position and, once again, become a prominent opposition face in the Indian Parliament.



Yashraj Sharma

My main aim of writing is to spread true astrology & clear doubts and myths related to it. You can reach me at for any astro consultation.